Studying at the University of Education Weingarten
There are numerous reasons to study at the University of Education Weingarten!
- Integrate Theory and practice - experience a research-based study program with a strong emphasis on integrating practice
- Plenty of choice - We offer you a wide range of courses covering all areas of education.
- Excellent personal supervision - Enjoy the friendly atmosphere at our university with approx. 3,500 students and close supervision by instructors and professors.
- Unique atmosphere - The University of Education Weingarten is located on the premises of a baroque monastery. Be inspired by its distinctive atmosphere.
All degree seeking international students with a foreign entrance qualification who wish to complete their undergraduate studies at the University of Education Weingarten should first contact UNI-ASSIST, the University’s Application Service for international students. For more information, see below.
For Exchange Studtents, the University of Education Weingarten offers a wide range of subjects. This allows you to choose courses that best suit your needs. The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is used at the University to facilitate the transfer of academic credits. See Exchange Semester for more information.
Applicants with foreign educational certificates
Please send applications for Bachelor's programs as well as for consecutive Master's programs directly to uni-assist. There your application and your university entrance qualification will be checked. Please read the information sheet for foreign applicants first and then use the online application at uni-assist.
Please still apply at the same time on the online application portal of the Weingarten University of Education: campus.phwg.de
In the digital application process, enter x-amount of domestic higher education credential types and x-amount of counties in the higher education credential component.
For technical reasons, it is currently not possible to enter a foreign higher education credential. We will then adjust this information accordingly during the review of your application.
Please also use the contact form (German/English) as it contains many important answers to frequently asked questions. You can also send messages to uni-assist via this contact form.
Chinese applicants are kindly requested to enclose the certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center in Beijing with their application.
Tel.: +49 30 201 646 001
Fax: +49 30 666 44 390
Mailing address:
Pädagogische Hochschule Weingarten
c/o uni-assist e. V.
11507 Berlin
Office Hours:
Montag bis Freitag 9.00 - 15.00
Please first make an appointment for a consultation with the head of the examination office of the PH Weingarten by calling +49 (0)751 501-8245. Bring the letter of recognition from the Regierungspräsidium (regional council) with you to the consultation.
Afterwards, apply for the degree V3 or W3 in the university portal of the PH Weingarten. Please use the online application on our homepage: campus.phwg.de
In the digital application process, enter any domestic higher education credential type and any county in the university entrance qualification component.
For technical reasons, it is currently not possible to enter a foreign higher education credential. We will then adjust this information accordingly during the review of your application.
Prerequisite for your application is proof of very good German language skills, C2 level or Test DaF with level 4 in all sections. When applying online, you must upload this proof, as well as the notification from the Regional Council and your foreign certificates with translation.
In the university portal you will then also find your letter of admission and the information for enrollment.
Please also download the form "Nachweis über erbrachte Leistungen" (Confirmation of completed work). You will need this to prove your academic achievements.
Here you can get interactive programs to improve your German: German Online Course of Deutsche Welle: dw-world.de